At the Threshold of the Groundbreaking

11-08-2021Weekly Flocknote MessageFr. Anthony Okolo, C.S.Sp

Finally, the long-awaited Groundbreaking Ceremony is now just hours away. I am so excited and looking forward to it. I invite you and your family and friends to come and join us to witness this historic moment for our St. Benedict parish community. Everything is now ready and set for the event, thanks to the incredible teamwork of our Building Committee, Event Committee, Parish Staff, and volunteers who worked so tirelessly to ensure that every detail of the preparation is addressed. We anticipate beautiful warm weather throughout the day, and a good turnout for the event.

The Groundbreaking Ceremony will be held outside on the west side of the Church. Please enter through the main entrance of the existing building. Limited chairs and water will be provided, but we would appreciate it if you could consider bringing your own camp chair. You are invited to a brief reception inside the Church following the ceremony. We will be live-streaming the event. Here is a link to watch in case you cannot attend in-person. Please click here (Link: ) to watch!

Thank you for a Successful Transition

I thank the members of our Pastoral Care Ministry and the Liturgy Committee for a beautiful Mass of Remembrance on Tuesday, November 2nd. The Mass was the last liturgical event and the formal closing of the existing building. I thank the Knights of Columbus and volunteers who helped with moving chairs and furniture out of the existing building during the week. My special thanks to Deacon Ed, the Liturgy Committee, Sacristans, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Lectors, Hospitality Ministers, Art and Environment Ministers and everyone who helped with moving things out and setting up the new worship places during the week.

Quick Reminder for the Weekend

Here are a few reminders to keep in mind when coming for Mass and Confession this weekend:

  • The Friday Confession today, and every Friday, is from 5-6pm in Annex 1. Please enter through Annex 2 to join the Confession line.
  • The Saturday Confession time has changed from 3:30pm to 8:30am-9:30am in Annex 1. Please enter through Annex 2 to join the Confession line.
  • The restrooms by the parish office will remain open during daily Mass, office hours, Confession times, and during RE Classes.
  • The Saturday Vigil Mass is at 5pm in the SJB Multipurpose Room (MPR). Please use any available parking space around the Church and school campus and use the main school entrance or the north gate when coming for Mass.
  • The Mass schedule on Sunday is: 7am, 9am, 11am and 5pm all in the SJB MPR. The restrooms on the first-grade class block, across from the MPR, will be open for use during Mass.
  • Beginning this weekend, only the 9am Mass will be live-streamed.
  • We will hold our monthly Welcoming of our new parishioners this weekend after the 9am Mass.
  • You are invited to a Book Fair after the 9am and 11am Masses in the school library this weekend.  

Have a wonderful weekend and remain blessed!

Fr James Aboyi,

VC Pastor