On this Feast of the Holy Family, we are invited to reflect on the dynamics of family life, as beau fully illustrated in the readings. The Gospel recounts a significant moment in the life of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph: the boy Jesus staying behind in Jerusalem while His parents search for Him anxiously (Luke 2:41-52). This story offers insight into the challenges and love shared by the Holy Family, serving as a powerful example for our own family relationships.
READ MOREOn this Fourth Sunday of Advent, the Gospel reading (Luke 1:39-45) presents us with Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. This meeting is filled with joy, wonder, and profound faith. Mary, upon receiving the message from the angel Gabriel that she would bear the Son of God, sets out “in haste” to visit her cousin Elizabeth. What unfolds is a moment of deep connection between the two women, and a powerful affirmation of Mary’s faith and obedience to God’s will.
READ MOREOn this Third Sunday of Advent- Gaudete Sunday- the readings emphasize joy, a joy rooted in God’s presence and His promise of salvation. In the first reading from Zephaniah, we hear, “Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! Sing joyfully, O Israel!” (Zep 3:14). The Lord has removed the judgment against His people and is in their midst as a mighty savior. This theme of rejoicing is carried through to the second reading, where St. Paul exhorts, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!” (Phil 4:4). The readings invite us to consider what it means to live in joyful expectation, especially as we prepare for the coming of Christ.
READ MOREThe readings for the Second Sunday of Advent invite us to reflect on the theme of preparation -especially the spiritual preparation that allows us to receive the Lord more fully in our lives. The Gospel passage from Luke 3:1-6 focuses on the mission of John the Baptist, whose call echoes the prophet Isaiah: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” John’s ministry was all about readiness- calling people to repent, change their hearts, and prepare for the coming of Christ.
READ MOREIn today’s Gospel (Luke 21:25-36), Jesus paints an intense picture of the end times- signs in the sun, moon, and stars, nations in turmoil, and hearts failing from fear. Amidst these alarming signs, Jesus gives us a directive filled with hope: “Stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” This line invites us to focus on a life of vigilance and hope.